Not Just for Bass

Hydrowave pro Mark Courts, of Harris Minnesota, has spent the last 16 years fishing through the ranks of the FLW Walley Tour claiming 12 top 10 finishes along the way. He hit a major milestone in his career this year taking the title as 2015 Angler of the Year for the first time in those 16 years.


We got a chance to catch up with Mark to talk about how the Hyrdrowave unit played a role in his success this year. “It’s a tool that I believe gets me 1 or 2 more bites a day and more bites day to day than others when in a pack of boats” said Courts. The Hydrowave gives Mark the one-two punch in fishing, increased bites and confidence. Its superstition to have his unit powered on, the second his boat hits the water saying “I feel naked when I don’t”. Although his title came on the Walleye tour, Mark uses his units when fishing for every species of fish, including the giant Smallmouth Bass that Minnesota is home to.


When asked about the settings he uses on his unit, Mark went into great detail about the volume and the importance of constant monitoring. “When I’m searching for fish, the volume is on high. Once I find that school I will turn the volume down to almost nothing, this will keep the fish in search mode.” His go to sound is Feeding Frenzy but on calm mornings, he may turn to the sound of schooling baitfish or the clacking of crawfish when offshore.

Something that some anglers may not think about is the noise of walking around the boat or closing a lid, and how it effects finicky fish. The purpose of having the Hydrowave on at all times is to dampen those sounds which means spooking less fish and putting more in the boat.

Keep an eye out for Mark Courts when he goes on next attempting to defend his Angler of the Year title. Check him out here

Good fishing Doug Cameron

Follow Doug on his Facebook page.