Drawing for Exposed

Want a chance to win an iPod touch or DVDs for your favorite angler? Share your favorite fishing pic or video on Twitter, Instagram or direct(http://bit.ly/1M3pGEY) to have your name put into a drawing! You must include tag #ExposedUniversity, and for bonus drawing...

 It’s Tackle Tuesday!

This weeks feature is the Strike King jointed structure head. This is a great alternative to throwing a crank bait and shines when fish want something a little slower. I prefer to fish it around sparce hard cover like isolated rocks and stumps. With a slow steady...

Trick Out Your Casket

Bass Mafia makes the best storage boxes hands down… here is a pretty cool trick from pro angler Jimmy Mason that will turn you Bait Casket in to the best spinnerbait box you have ever used. .themify_builder .video-19832-0-0-1.module-video .video-content { }...